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AFP SOCO's July Lunch and Learn - Virtual Option

  • Friday, July 16, 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


  • AFP member pricing for virtual programming. This does not include the networking/lunch portion of the program.
  • AFP non-member pricing for virtual programming. This does not include the networking/lunch portion of the program.

Registration is closed

Panel Discussion- An Approachable Approach to Planned Giving (virtual option)

Join AFP Southern Colorado and a terrific panel of fundraisers and planned giving professionals for a conversation on planned giving. Prepare for an informative panel discussion on legacy societies, donor conversations, and how to further infuse planned giving into your organization with plenty of time for questions at the end!


  • Chelsea Adelmann- Gift Planning Support Specialist- The Navigators
  • Marianne Blackwell- Senior Director, Gift Planning and Leadership Giving- University of Colorado (System)
  • Tara Irons- Vice President, Marketing and Client Relations- PhilanthroCorp

Registration Information:

AFP members from a chapter other than AFP SOCO should email info@afpsoco.org to register at the member rate.

For AFP member registration, you must be a current member; after a 30-day grace period following the expiration of your membership, you will need to register at the non-member rate. Membership renewals are handled by AFP International at https://afpglobal.org/join.

Approved for CFRE Continuing Education Points Full participation in this program is applicable for 1.0 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.
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